Because FX and metals are traded on margin, you can engage in transactions with an economic exposure greater than your initial investment. Leverage is the ability to do this, and it has the potential to raise both your profit and loss for any given change in the price of the underlying currency pair. You are given a trading line by DemoFx2 Markets, which establishes a maximum currency exposure for your account. By dividing your equity by your leverage factor, we determine it (up to 100 times, in the normal course). The maximum starting leverage by default during regular trading hours is 200:1, allowing you to expose up to 200 times your equity. At our discretion, we may take into account various constraints.
Minimum margin requirement
Minimum margin levels are set to protect you from the risk of loss in excess of your equity and Nimble Markets’s associated liquidity position as follows:
- An individual self-trade account, a minimum Equity of $000.00 is required.
- For accounts with different base currency the minimum amount of equity is calculated at the exchange rate as of the latest settlement.
- All open positions may be closed and the account blocked if the Equity reaches below the minimum margin requirement.
The minimum margin required to open a position depends on the desired leverage, currency pair and current market prices. If equity for a self-trade account falls below GBP000.00 or equivalent in foreign currency, the account may be automatically blocked by the trading risk management system.
The lowest spreads, starting at 0 pips
Forex is the world’s most liquid asset and you can trade a variety of Forex pairs on our trading platforms, including majors, minors and exotics 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Fx Liquidity Markets offers you some of the market’s tightest spreads, starting with 0 pips!
Trade gold & other spot Metals Because of the high liquidity gold is appealing to traders. Before burdening you with excessive foreign exchange exposure on Gold and Silver, Fx Liquidity Markets offers excellent trading conditions for its Spot Metals.We offer spot metals as a 1% margin on Gold and Silver in both USD and EUR.
Trade spot and futures contracts in Oil & Gas
In common resources, Fx Liquidity Markets also provides derivatives like Brent and Crude oil. Fx Liquidity Markets offers derivatives with low spreads, small margins and 100 barrels lots in spot and futures contracts. We also offer derivatives with a typical 1-pip spread and a lot size of 1000 MMBtu in US Natural Gas.
Trade the world’s leading Indices Indices are the least manipulative financial instruments. Trade on a host of leading indices around the world, such as the UK 100, which represents the top 100 most capitalized companies in the UK .Certain indices like the USA100 and the Shanghai Composite can also be traded.
Trade Google, Apple and Facebook Shares For leading blue chip companies including Microsoft and Coca Cola, Fx Liquidity Markets gives you the ability to trade stocks. Right here with Fx Liquidity Markets, you can take full advantage of high liquidity and consistent execution to trade some of the world’s most famous and liquid stocks.
Open a position from as little as USD 10 Various factors such as economic, political and Environmental factors influences the commodities like copper, coffee and sugar. So if you think the market is rising you can buy the commodities or sell them if you think it is overpriced because Fx Liquidity Markets don’t charge you any commission.